lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2020

6º A, 6ºB Y 6º C - SOCIAL SCIENCE AND ENGLISH (22/09/2020)

Dear all,  

On Thursday we will start our initial tests. As they are a bit long, it will take us several days to finish them. Don't worry! You will do it very well!

At the same time I include a PDF with contents corresponding to "Modern Age". Once we read the information in class, you will have to copy the information on your notebooks or print it.

Don't forget to draw a beautiful cover for this unit of Social Science.

There is also a video of the same unit "The modern age" that you can see to learn more about this period. I hope you'll like it!

I am giving you an English worksheet to complete the gaps with the passive voice in the past. We will correct this worksheet when we finish our initial tests.

The modern Age

Passive Voice - worksheet

Video "The Modern Age"

Un saludo,
